The World In Crisis: WW3 Imminent! How long have we got?

#Christadelphianvideo #Bibletruthandprophecy #christadelphianstalk #Christadelphians #Christadelphian The signs abound! – Christadelphians have been keen followers of Bible Prophecy for well over 150years – We correctly anticipated the Brexit result

and now expect to see Russia (Dragon) and Europe (Beast) to draw closer with the involvement of the Catholic system (False Prophet)
This is already starting to take place as explained in detail in this excellent ‘Signs of the Times ‘ video

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For more information on the Christadelphians

Read a variety of booklets on-line concerning various key Bible subjects.

Bible Truth & Prophecy is a remarkable on-line tool for establishing just how far removed from the teachings of the Bible mainstream Christian teaching has become.

End Time Prophecies are interpreted using the Bible, not man made ideas or notions.
Key Biblical subjects such as the Trinity, Devil/Satan worship, Holy Spirit Gifts & much more are all dealt with extensively from the Bible’s viewpoint and not man’s.We will demonstrate how Christian beliefs have become corrupted, and reveal the ‘Truth’ as taught by the 1st Century Apostles.


“Rahab’s Red Rope” – Heroes of Faith #4 – Pastor Doug Batchelor

With the blast from the trumpets and a mighty shout, Joshua delivered the people hiding in Rahab’s house and led them into the promised land. With a shout and a trumpet Jesus will soon come to do the same thing!

Scripture: Hebrews 11:31, Joshua 2:1-24
Date: 10/05/2015

Full series playlist

Heroes of Faith series. Stories of Salvation for the Whole Family


Did Catholicism Create Islam? The True Origins of the Islam Revealed | The Islamic Connection

This topic has puzzled numerous expositors. How does Islam fit into the picture of global conflict? Is this a political, religious, or religio-political conflict? What is its origin and what are its goals? How does it impact on ecumenism and on the doctrine of salvation in Christ? Find out in this informative video. A clear line is drawn through history, showing that the reality is more startling than the theory.

Total Onslaught – Walter Veith

Click here to download the Study Guide for this lecture.


Faithkeepers the Movie (2016) Promo

Faithkeepers is a documentary film about the violent persecution of Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East.

The film features exclusive footage and testimonials of Christians, Baha’i, Yazidis, Jews, and other minority refugees, and a historical context of the persecution in the region.

Faithkeepers – the movie and the movement – will awaken, enlighten and inspire all people of faith to stand up and take action.

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Clarion Project


Clarion Project is a non-profit organization that educates the public about the dangers of radical Islam. Clarion’s award-winning films, seen by more than 85-million people, expose how radical Islamists use terrorism, murder, subjugation of women, indoctrination of children, religious persecution, genocide of minorities, widespread human rights abuses, nuclear proliferation and cultural jihad — to threaten the West.
