A Pale Horse Rides – Public Trailer

For 1,200 years, a pact between political forces and the church committed atrocities in the name of Christ. What Christianity look like if the teachings of Jesus alone had been used to build the church? And why do so many people feel uneasy about organized religion today?

There are answers. Discover the untold stories. Ancient barbarians living on the fringe of the empire, miraculously in possession of the scriptures. Faithful followers of God. How they lived will revitalize your faith.

Join Shawn Boonstra from the Voice of Prophecy as he explores early church history. Hear the rarely told stories of the 1,200 years that fanned the flames for Martin Luther, and experience a revival of faith in your own life today.

Learn more at palehorserides.com.


Mega-churches, New world order Agendas Exposed! 2015 (Church of Tares)

From Rick Warren to the emergent church take a look at how their roots and foundations come from marketing and corporations, to rob the community and not to give the people JESUS… A MUST SEE!!! obama,666,forerunner777,secret societies,new age agenda, spiritualism,alex jones,last days, disasters,wars,prophets,new world order, catholic church,religion, masons, illuminati, seventh day adventist, pope,virgin mary, conspiracy theory,jesse ventura, walter veith,Doug Batchelor, ivor myers, stephen bohr, henry wright, randy skeet, pope francis, jesuits, illuminati in movies, satanism in hip hop,freemasons, aliens, angels, demons, isis, prophecies, revelation,


Faithkeepers Film: Official Trailer

Faithkeepers is Clarion’s documentary film about the violent persecution and genocide of Christians and other minorities in the Middle East.
The film features exclusive footage and testimonials of Christians, Baha’i, Yazidis, Jews, and other minority refugees, and a historical context of the persecution in the region.
Released in the Spring of 2016, the film also follows the story of a 24-year-old Christian student from North Carolina on her journey of understanding, discovery and solidarity with persecuted brothers and sisters in the Middle East.
Faithkeepers – the movie and the movement – will awaken, enlighten and inspire all people of faith to stand up and take action.

For the full film: http://faithkeepers.clarionproject.org/

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Clarion Project



Clarion Project is a non-profit organization that educates the public about the dangers of radical Islam. Clarion’s award-winning films, seen by more than 85-million people, expose how radical Islamists use terrorism, murder, subjugation of women, indoctrination of children, religious persecution, genocide of minorities, widespread human rights abuses, nuclear proliferation and cultural jihad — to threaten the West.


Walk In The Word – Israel Tour 2013

Walk In The Word Tour of Israel 2013. I had a fantastic time with this tour and would not hesitate to encourage anyone interested to go on a future tour with James MacDonald and the whole crew. Please enjoy this “daily video blog” of the tour in order as it unfolded. There was so much to see and it was difficult to edit down to this length all that we experienced. Much was left on the cutting room floor! My daughter and I as well as my sister in law and her husband enjoyed the Purple Bus experience with Ronny Simon as our guide. His deep biblical knowledge and life experience made the tour very interesting and helped me to understand the “WHY” behind the history and current events of Israel. The teaching from James MacDonald and others on the staff was very inspiring as well. Hello to all my fellow travelers! Please email me! Rick Dean / [email protected]
